Sooriya Hospital Chennai
Master Health Checkup in Chennai
Hospitals in Chennai
+91 44 2376 1750 - 56


We are Hiring


Infection control nurse

Qualification: B.SC/GNM Nursing with additional certification in infection control

Experience: 1+Years in infection control

Forward your resume to

+91 44 2376 1750 – 56

Sooriya Hospital has enriched many careers and is a friendly environment to work within. Sooriya Nursing College has been functional since 2006 and has enabled many students achieve a Diploma in Nursing over the years. Around 60% of them get employed at our institution after completing their course.

Would you like to be a part of Sooriya?

Contact number :

044-2376 1750 – 56 / 49032300

Mail us :

News & Events

Dr.Sudhir has received the Best paper award and GOLD MEDAL

Heartily Welcomes Dr.V.N. Kalpana

Heartily Welcomes Dr. Prashant Shah

Heartily Welcomes Dr. Mala Balagopal

Round Table Sponsoring 10 poor children

Sooriya Wellness Dubai

Sooriya Wellness Kathmandu

Search For Your Doctor

Patient Speaks

Sooriya Hospitals Chennai

Post covid pulmonary sequelae management (An initiative of Department of pulmonary Medicines Sooriya Hospital, Chennai.)